Selecting Right Kind of Cable Accessories


Cable accessories are an essential part of a power distribution system and it is vital that the right quality and type are selected for the effective functioning of the whole system. While taking any decision regarding the selection of different cable accessories it is always better to make use of professional help. In any case, keeping in mind the following factors helps!

Selecting the Right Kind

All power accessories cannot be treated on par; different products manufactured by different manufacturers have their own pros and cons. Each part is suited for a specific environment and has differing electric current carrying capacities. A right selection will guarantee that the work for which they are chosen is performed to full satisfaction without any glitches.

Location of Use

The location of use of the power accessories plays a significant role in its selection. Those meant for outdoor use are made of sturdier materials and are more resistant to changes in temperature, humidity, UV rays and so on. Products meant for indoor use should never be used for outdoor purposes though the reverse can sometimes hold good.

Wattage Capacities and Distance

The metal wires which carry electric current over varying distances are covered by the electrical cables. The wires have different thickness depending upon the wattage that has to be transferred over the laid down distances. The safe levels of wattage that can be carried by each are evident on the power accessory. The wattage factor has to be kept in mind while powering multiple devices.

Reading Labels

Reading labels and following instructions given on packages of power products is a fact that should never be forgotten. A complete knowledge of the product specifications and knowing its suitability to your requirements ensures safety in use. Products that are obtained from reputable suppliers guarantee the quality of the product.

After the Purchase

Once the products are purchased as per the specifications, the next step is to ensure that right techniques are adopted with respect to cable terminations sand cable jointing. The method of termination to be chosen will depend upon the power system installed, type of connector and the cable used. In this regard besides the method, a correct set of tools and materials need to be used.

One can buy the cable jointing kit which includes a number of tools that go to make the concerned tasks much easier. The kits adhere to international standards and provide high degree of reliability. The cable jointing systems are most suitable for underground cable works and are effective during times of water stagnation. Several types of the cable jointing kits such as pre-molded, push-on type, heat shrinkable etc are available in the market. Cable joints are either resin or filler and hardener packed and come as high voltage, low voltage and (medium voltage) the MV cable joints. All the cable joints are flame retardant and almost unaffected by immersion in chemical solvents and hydro carbons.

Power cable accessories including the jointing products have found their way in a large measure in electrical insulation, telecommunication and power distribution and many other applications