Monthly Archives: July 2018

Material Requirements for MV Cable Accessories

Cable accessories play an important role in maintaining vital insulation at the cable connection points as well as at cable terminations. It is very essential that these cable accessories are safe and easy to handle while being used for installation over a wide array of varied cable cross-sections and it is preferable that they comprise as little components as feasible.

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Brief on Role of Transition Joint

Paper-insulated cables are slowly being replaced by new cable systems which are of the polymeric type. However, there are yet a considerable amount of underground networks following the old technology. Though every new cable installation follows the new technology the old paper-insulated systems will be phased out slowly and till then they will need to be repaired, replaced or diverted in the times to come. This is where transition joints come into the picture. The important work of connecting the new and old cable technology is done by them; they act as a vital bridge between the two systems.

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