Monthly Archives: April 2019

Cable Joints- Indispensable Part of any Electrical System

Cable joints form an important part of any electrical system as they connect power cables and provide a continuous flow of electricity to households and industry. Electricity is required in wide ranging applications and hence power cables come in varied shapes, sizes and configurations. Accordingly a wide array of joints is needed to connect the varied type of cables. So, you have the transition joint, PILC joint, branch joint and others used at varying times in any electrical process.

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Brief on Copper Busbars

Busbar is an important component used in transmission of power from a point of supply to various other output circuits. Its applications range from transmitting current to every floor of a high rise to being used within a distribution panel or substation or any industrial process. Large loads of current can be easily carried or distributed to several devices through the busbar and therefore selecting an appropriate kind is of paramount importance.

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