Tag Archives: transition joint

Role of Heat Shrink Sleeve in Protection of Piping Systems

Heat shrinks offer a complete range of kits for jointing and termination of PVC, PILC, EPR and XLPE cables from 1.1 kV voltage grades and applicable for 36 kV cable joints. The kits comprise heat shrink tubes, heat shrink coupler, heat shrink sleeve, mastics and other components for ensuring a complete termination. Heat shrinks have wound their way into a number of applications ranging from wire insulation to sterilization protection, food wrapping, medical device and aerospace sector. Continue reading Role of Heat Shrink Sleeve in Protection of Piping Systems

Brief on Role of Transition Joint

Paper-insulated cables are slowly being replaced by new cable systems which are of the polymeric type. However, there are yet a considerable amount of underground networks following the old technology. Though every new cable installation follows the new technology the old paper-insulated systems will be phased out slowly and till then they will need to be repaired, replaced or diverted in the times to come. This is where transition joints come into the picture. The important work of connecting the new and old cable technology is done by them; they act as a vital bridge between the two systems.

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Preparatory Steps for Performing Cable Terminations

Electrical joints such as the transition joint, branch joint and cable terminations play a vital role in providing electrical connection. They physically protect the cable and offer the required mechanical support too. The terminations and the joint types are classified depending upon the function, construction materials and type of cable.

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Brief on Network Cabling

Great strides have been made in network cabling and it is important for a person new to the field to know how to get things done in the smart way. Understanding the network cabling architecture in detail including use of right components and cable types to eliminate unwanted costs is essential.  The following brief will give you some idea of how the system of network cabling works.

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Comprehensive Information on Cable Joints You May Find Useful

With dependence on electricity increasing with each passing day, demands of cables are on the rise as well. The cables need to be joined with one another so that the flow of electricity takes place smoothly from the source of electricity to the end point. Various kinds of cable jointing systems have been developed and implemented which help in maintaining continuity of the cables when they need to be extended to long lengths. To create the best cable joints, various kinds of accessories are needed and some most important ones among them include heat shrink tape, PVC caps, sealing and cable caps etc. In case the joints are loose, there will be electricity leakage and accidents might take place.

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Importance of Cable Terminations for Cable Testing

Cable testing tools are important set of items in any electrician’s tool kit. Among the several functions that can be performed with it, one of the most important one is that of testing a new network cable system after its installation. There are many things that may not be done right while the network cable is being installed like damage occurring to the cables, breakdown of insulation or improper cable terminations. Certain external factors such as environmental components or electrical disturbances can also play havoc with the network execution. Normally, after the completion of the installation project, a report has to be prepared stating whether every cable fulfils the required parameters or not.

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How to Strategize Your Cable Management Plan to Make it Fire-Proof


Electrical and electronic equipment forms an inherent part of all businesses today. And hence, effective cable management is an issue which is given great importance in work settings of all businesses. A pile of tangled cables makes the work area look messy and also poses a potential fire hazard. This is because the materials that go to make the wire jackets are inclined to catch fire easily and if by chance a fire occurs in any of the equipment around the cables or in the server room then that would cause a disaster of gigantic proportions. Therefore, the need for strategizing a fire-proof cable management plan becomes all the more significant.

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